Thursday, April 5, 2012

A Little Late...

Sorry my posts have been a little spotty, but I’m doing the best I can remembering to post in this thing every week.  I never was a big fan of blogging or journaling, but I’m trying!  Things here at Niagara have slowed down a little bit again.  I just missed the Consul General of Japan coming in on Tuesday because I was at the doctor getting a camera shoved down my nose to look for a fish bone that has been stuck in my throat since I  was in Turkey three weeks ago!  Anyway I’m helping with this brand new project at Niagara where they try to get people from the three Abrahamic faiths (Christianity, Judaism, and Islam) together to have dinner and create dialogue about their religion.  It seems like these dinners would be pretty interesting once they program gets going.  Right now I am plotting everyone’s addresses on a google map and putting those interested in participating in groups that include someone from each faith.  Other than that, not much is going on here at Niagara but it has still been a great experience.  I’m excited to be back in class with all of you in the fall.  See you soon!

- Joey

1 comment:

  1. Intense comment of the week goes to... Joey! For fish bone stuck in his throat on account of traveling to Turkey!
