Sunday, February 19, 2012

Prez weekend

I am not sure if any one is following the recent accommodations that are being made to the Affordable Care Act, but NOW has been right in the middle of that chaos.  One of NOW's top priorities is reproductive rights so we are very active on the birth control front.  This past week I attended the House Government Oversight Committee hearing.  It was pretty intense to say the least.  It lasted about five hours, representatives walked out, and the democrats tried very hard to schedule another hearing.  There was a ton of backlash, and one of my bosses (the president of NOW) was on MSNBC talking about it.  
In addition to that mess, I have also been working on updating all of our chapters' contact information.  Every week we also have an intern training workshop.  This week we learned about our PAC and all the candidates we are endorsing.  

On Friday, I went with my roommates to the National Geographic Society and saw the Separation, which is a great movie.  I highly recommend it.  It is a foreign film from Iran. 

Loving the long weekend.  Hope everyone else loves it too.  Sorry, Mel and Max.

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