Friday, March 23, 2012

Sprinkles Cupcakes

As everyone probably knows from previous posts by other CLPers the Cherry Blossoms are out!!! And that means that when Georgetown Suites came to visit they brought us Sprinkles cupcakes Cherry Blossom edition. And they were delicious, cherry cream icing and a vanilla cake dyed green. Apparently Sprinkles cupcakes are one of Oprah's favorite things so that's exciting.

This week has been amazing! U of I is on Spring Break and that means visitors!!!! I had friends stay over Thursday night and I went in late to work Friday morning and I showed them around the Mall and we went to the Natural History Museum. On Sunday some more friends came in (drove overnight to get here) and we went to Eastern Market, got a ton of free samples and some delicious fruit and veggies. Then we went paddle boating in the tidal basin with Helen. The next couple of days were filled with eating delicious things and hanging out with my friends and I still managed to go to work amazingly enough haha (they slept late).

So what's going on at work? Same old stuff, we have a seminar going on and are preparing for another one happening in just a few weeks. I'm doing a lot of research on the causes of conflict for a seminar in it's hard to get things done when there is no deadline.

Things are going pretty great, I can't believe we are over halfway through this internship!

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